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Mandela Van Peebles: Age, Birthday, Height, Family, Bio, Facts, And Much More.

About Mandela Van Peebles:

Mandela Van Peebles

Mandela Van Peebles is years old American actor, rapper, and producer who was born on June 4, 1994, in Los Angeles, California. Mandela is known for his roles in various movies and tv series such as Mayor of Kingstown (Sam, 2021), Wu-Tang: An American Saga (Shank, 2021), Power Book III: Raising Kanan (Wannable Hustler, 2021), and many more.

Let`s know more about Mandela Van Peebles.

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Quick Bio:

Full Name    Mandela Mali Van Peebles
Stage NameMandela Van Peebles
ProfessionActor, Rapper, Producer
Date of BirthJune 4, 1994
Age (In ) Years
Height5`10″ (1.78 m)
Zodiac SignGemini
BirthplaceLos Angeles, California
Marital StatusUnmarried
Net WorthUnder Review
Debut TvRoots (2016)
Debut MovieHow to Get the Man`s Foot Outta Your Ass (2003)

Physique and Body Stats:

Mandela Van Peebles is approximately 5 feet 10 inches (1.78 m) tall. he has black hair and has black eyes.

Early life and Education:

He has attended Loyola Marymount University. He graduated with Bachelor`s degree in Communication, in 2016.

Family and Relationship:

Father – Mario Van Peebles (Actor, Director)Mother – Lisa VitelloSibling – Maya, Makaylo, Morgan, and Marley.

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A post shared by Mandela Van Peebles (@mandelavanpeebles)

Social Media: 

Instagram – – N/ATwitter – N/A

Movies and Television shows/series Appearance:

Mayor of Kingstown (Sam, 2021)Wu-Tang: An American Saga (Shank, 2021)Power Book III: Raising Kanan (Wannable Hustler, 2021)Salt-N-Pepa (Sweet Tooth, 2021)A Clear Shot (Shawn, 2019)Limbo (Sam, 2019)Karma (Manny Everett, 2018)Jigsaw (Mitch, 2017)Roots (Noah, 2016), See More.

Interesting Facts:

His birthday date is on June 4, 1994. He is years old as of .His zodiac sign is Gemini.He is named after the great Nelson Mandela.He has played the role of Sam in the tv series `Mayor of Kingstown (2021)`.

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