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Shri Krish Age, Biography, Height, Net Worth, Family & Facts

Shri Krish

Last updated on September 5th, 2022 at 04:30 am

Shri Krish Quick Facts

Real NameShri Krish.
Nick NameShri.
Date of BirthJuly 10, 1995.
Age (as of 2020)25 years.
Height (Tall)5 feet 8 inches.
176 cm.
1.76 m.
WeightKilograms: 68 Kg.
Pounds: 149 lbs.
Body Measurements38-32-16.
Net Worth (approx.)$200k US Dollars (as of 2020).

Personal Life & Family

FatherDoing a Job.
SisterNot Known.
BrotherNot Known.
Marital StatusUnmarried.
Wife (Spouse)No.
Smoking & DrinkingMaybe.

Education & Favorite Things

Primary EducationHe completed his primary education at a Local High School.
College or UniversityPrivate University.
Favorite SportCycling & Cricket.
Favorite City/CountryKuwait.

Daily Habits

Work Time8 AM to 2 PM.
Workout time7 PM.
Travel time3 PM.
Breakfast, Lunch & DinnerTheir Breakfast Time is around 7 AM, Lunch Time is around 12 PM & Dinner Time is 8 PM.

Shri KrishSome Facts About Shri Krish You Probably don,t Know

Does Shri Krish smoke? No.Does Shri Krish drink alcohol? No.Shri Krish is an Indian Actor, Model, Tik Toker, and Comedy Writer. He is Very Well Knows Personality in India Due to The Huge Fame He Gains From Their Videos. He Has More Than 3 Million Followers On The Tik Tok Because He always Makes The Massive Lip Syncs, Comedy, and Best Acting Videos. Well, He Has a Huge Fan Following on The Instagram also Approx. 144KFollowers, He Has on The Instagram Which Makes Him a Good Internet Personality Because Whenever He Makes a Massive Video on The Tik Tok and Unique Thing about This Man is That He Makes Their Own Videos and Makes It Tren. Then The People Starts Following It. So Obviously Everyone also Have to Know That Success in This Smart World is Only For Those Who Makes The Trends and Then People Follows It.He also Has a Youtuber Channel Which Has More Than 100K+ Subscribers.Well, His Main Focus on The Love and Relationships Because He Wants to Make Every People Smile Whether He Would Fail on The Love and in any Point of The Love. So That’s also Called Humanity. You Can Say This Man Great Because Great People are always Those Who Promotes Humanity With much Love That It Will Preach to Everyone.Shri Krish Weight and Height: His Weight is Approx. 68KG and Height are About 5 Feet 8 Inches Means That The Body Measurements of This Person is So Best For This Person Health. Their Eye and Hair Colour also Black Which Looks Amazing in This Man’s Face.

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