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What are the Undying Lands in The Lord of the Rings?

While Tolkien created the “Earth” of Arda, which contains the lands where most of the Lord of the Rings action takes place, Middle Earth is only one of them. The Undying Lands are perhaps the most compelling of the other continents discussed in the story.

There are 2 continents in the Lord of the Rings Undying Lands: Aman and Theressa, west of Middle-earth. The Valar, Maia, and Elves who inhabit the Undying Lands, Valinor lotr. With Bilbo and Frodo’s expectations, only these beings can live here.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy mentions the Undying Lands several times. In The Return of the King, Bilbo and Frodo journey to these lands with the Elves.

In his other works, Tolkien explores the Undying Lands further. The ring quest also invites Sam and Gimli to the Undying Lands Lotr. As a guide, Legolas led them there later.

Table of Contents

The Location of the Lotr Undying LandsWho Lives in the Undying Lands?ValarMaiarEldarThe Geography of the Undying LandsThe Settlement of AmanThe Destruction of the Two TreesThe Defeat of MelkorAttack on AmanThe Undying Lands in the Lord of the RingsFrequently Asked Questions

The Location of the Lotr Undying Lands

Between Middle Earth and Tol Eressea lies the great sea Belegaer, which separates Aman and Tol Eressea. There are two opposite poles on either side of this long, crescent-shaped Lord of the ring continent.

Tolkien imagined the Encircling Sea as marking the edges of his world on the west coast of Aman. A frozen region of crashing ice known as the Helcaraxe separates the northernmost tip of the continent from the north-western tip of Middle Earth.

Tolkien never created a detailed map of Aman as he did for Middle Earth. Aman’s location is given in the Legendarium, Tolkien’s collection of mythopoetic writings, which was used as a starting point for Karen Wynn Fonstad to create her maps.

Who Lives in the Undying Lands?

Among the Ainur are the Valar and the Maiar, who have formed the world through their work in the Undying Lands. Elves live alongside the Ainur, who allow immortals to dwell there. Besides the ring bearers, mortals are not allowed to sail to Aman.


Valinor, after the Valar, is another name given to Aman. Creation did not create these demigods. When Arda was still in its infancy, a group descended upon it to complete its development.

There are more benevolent forces among the Valar, but Melkor, also known as Morgoth, is a darker force. Melkor intentionally corrupted the world, in contrast to the other Valar.

For their first work, the Valar settled on an island near Arda called Almaren. The ongoing conflict with Melkor, however, resulted in its destruction. Aman became the Valar’s new home due to the Valar’s retreat.

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In addition to the Valar, the Maiar accompanied the Valar to Aman. The Valar are smaller, but they are still powerful. Each is tied to a specific Vala. In collective terms, the Maiar and the Valar are the Ainur. Some of the Maiar protected Middle Earth after they were sent there. There are others among them, too, including Gandalf and Saruman.


Cuivienen is the westernmost continent in Middle Earth, where the Elves evolved from Arna. Aman was their home after the Valar discovered them. Elves were divided into two races as a result of this invitation. They became known as Eldar after accepting the Valar’s summons. The Avari were those who failed to do so.

Middle Earth is still home to some Eldar, however. Due to the treacherous journey, some never reached Aman. Vineyards, Noldor, and Teleri, were the clans that did this. Calaquendi became their collective name. Later, Noldor returned from Aman to Middle Earth.

The Geography of the Undying Lands

The Valar built Aman after they were evacuated from their previous homes due to destruction. To protect Aman, the Pelori built a mountain range along its eastern border and established their settlement beyond this range in the west.

The city where they live is named Valmar. Telperion (a white tree) and Laurelin (a golden tree) stood on a large green mound west of Valinor. To bring light to Aman, the Vala Yavanna made those trees.

An Amazon teaser for The Lord of the Rings TV series has been released, featuring Valmar and the Two Trees in Valinor:

Pelosi mountain range is located on the east side of the Pelosi area. Aqualand, meaning Haven of Swans, is their principal port city. Pearl-strewn beaches line the beach leading to the harbor, and its mansions are adorned with pearls.

On Tol Eressea, an island located in the Bay of Eldamar just off the west coast of Aman, they also established a city for themselves.

In the Pelosi mountain pass, they have a third city called Tirion. A starlit sea and the Two Trees are visible from this place. An east-facing beacon can be seen from as far as the isles in the east from the tower atop a hill known as Mindon Eldalieva.

The Settlement of Aman

Following the destruction of their previous homes, the Valar settled in the Undying Lands. It took a Valar to discover the Elves after they lived alone for over 10,000 years.

Seeing Melkor’s threat to the Elves, the Valar were compelled to deal with him finally. He was a prisoner after he was defeated and taken back to Aman.

They were invited to join the Valar on Aman after this. Eldar, who became known as the Elves, were some of the Elves who joined them.

The Destruction of the Two Trees

A few thousand years later, Melkor was released from prison. Melkon and Ungoliant destroyed the two Valinor Trees that were brought to Arda.

The Silmarils, two jewels made from some of the light of the Two Trees, caused chaos, especially since Feanor had captured some of it. As a result, Melkor stole the jewels from him for refusing to hand them over to restore light to the land.

Feanor gathered an army of Noldor in an attempt to reclaim his treasures. The Teleri kin was murdered, and their ships were stolen so they could sail to Middle Earth in pursuit of the elves.

In the sky, the sun and the moon were created from the silver flower and the golden fruit left by the Two Trees when they died. At the sun’s first appearance in Arna, the first Men awoke.

Aman’s fortifications were also strengthened by the Valar during this period. Only one small passage was left open between the Pelori mountains after raising them even higher. Also, they constructed a chain of dark rocks in the Great Sea as an enchantment and a means of diverting mariners from their true course.

The Defeat of Melkor

On Aman, the Valar were defending themselves, but Morgoth, called Melkor, was creating trouble elsewhere. The Valar were ultimately requested to assist Middle Earth in its fight against Morgoth by many beings.

Earendil reached their shores with the help of a Silmaril after the half-Elf and half-Man reached them. He prayed to the Valar when he arrived for mercy on the Men and Elves of Middle Earth and for the forgiveness of the Noldor Elves for abandoning Aman.

Once again, Valar captured Melkor. This time through the Door of Night, he was cast into the Void.

Attack on Aman

When Sauron is expelled, he becomes Melkor’s apprentice and comes into his own. Immediately after dawn, Men occupied the island near Tol Eressea off Aman’s east coast. Numenor was the name given to these men, who were the Dunedain.

The Elves regularly visited these Men even though they weren’t allowed to sail to Aman. Men soon became jealous of each other. The corruption of these men began after Sauron reached this island. By persuading them to seize Aman, he convinced them to attack it.

Tirion was the farthest point reached by Numenor. Legend has it that they will remain underground until the end of time because the Valar used their powers to bury the army alive beneath the earth.

The Dunedain who remained on Middle Earth was also forced to relocate as they sank the island of Numenor. Additionally, they removed Aman from mortal existence to avert the same chaos from happening again. In the Blessed Realm, immortals still have access to the ocean, while mortals will only find barren lands.

The Undying Lands in the Lord of the Rings

By the time of the events described in The Lord of the Rings, the Valar and Aman had already removed themselves from the mortal realm. Although the Valar abandoned the rest of the planet, they didn’t abandon it entirely.

The Valar chose five Maiar to join them in the battle against evil in the mortal realm after they withdrew across the sea. There was a prohibition against showing their true nature to these Maiar who took the form of men. Astari, five wizards that looked like men, became known as the Astari.

War of the Ring events influences their actions, which help defeat Sauron. Gandalf can return with Bilbo and Frodo to Aman after this success.

A special exception is made for Bilbo and Frodo as mortals, who shouldn’t be allowed to enter the Undying Lands. They no longer belong to the mortal realm due to the corruption of the One Ring, so they belong among the blessed instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where did the elves go in the Lord of the Rings?

The Undying Lands maintain the immortality of elves. Ascension might be more appropriate to describe the journey there. The Valar creates a world of peace and harmony for elves, the land of elves, leaving behind the strife and grief of the mortal realm. So, the elves went and lived there at the end of Lotr.

Are the Undying Lands heaven?

Since demigods and immortals live there, the Undying Lands are heavenly but not heaven.

Can anyone sail to the Undying Lands?

The Undying Lands are only accessible to immortals; mortals will not be able to travel there. As depicted in the Lord of the Rings, Gandalf was the only wizard who could sail to Aman at the time.

Why didn’t Aragorn go to the Undying Lands?

Undying Lands are mostly unavailable to mortals. It appears that Aragorn was not given an exception. The fact that he had to restore the world of Men on Middle Earth may have partly contributed to his choice. In addition to that, his descent from Numenor may have rendered him unwelcome.

Did Sam go to the Undying Lands?

Our last glimpse of Bilbo and Frodo is when they accompany the Elves into the Undying Lands at the end of Return of the King. These mortals are an exception to the rule. The One Ring had caused them to feel that their place in Middle Earth had ended.

To maintain his connections with the mortal realm, Sam Gamgee does not accompany them at this time. Ultimately, he marries his sweetheart Rosie and stays in the Shire.

Frodo and Sam reunited in the Undying Lands after Rosie’s death in the year 61 of the Fourth Age.


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